Monday, September 30, 2013

Brief 60: Let's Get Musical // Giveaway

Brief 60: Let's Get Musical
Deadline: Sunday, 20th October 2013
Music: Wishery by Nick Bertke (Pogo)

Whether you're playing a musical instrument or decks are more your thing, if you're awesome at karaoke or just in the shower- or none of the above at all and just think the above is pretty damn inspiring - it's time to get musical!

NEWS: Sparkapolooza is holding a giveaway! This time around, when you submit your creative response, you will get a chance to win Play: The NYLON Book of Music to add to your coffee table. You will automatically enter the draw as soon as we have receive your submission. A winner will be announced at the end of this brief.

Email your work to sparkapolooza [at] gmail [dot] com, upload to our Facebook page or tag #sparkapolooza on Twitter or Instagram. 

What else are you waiting for?

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